Logo Ulivi e Relax

Web design & graphic design

The olives

You love to enjoy nature and the countryside? Then the logo of „Ulivi e Relax“ is for you! Our logo is a beautiful expression of our love for nature and relaxation. We have deliberately chosen the colors green and dark green to reflect the beauty of the olive groves and the tranquility of the surroundings.Our goal is to give our customers a feeling of relaxation and rest. We want you to feel at home and enjoy your time with us. Therefore, it is important to us that our logo is perfect and reflects everything we represent.Through our logo we convey a message of tranquility, peace and harmony.

The relax 

Our brand represents quality and trust, and we want you to experience just that when you visit us.So, if you are a fan of nature and relaxation, come and visit us and experience „Ulivi e Relax“ first hand! Be enchanted by our logo and our environment and enjoy an unforgettable time with us.